Friday, July 19, 2019


On 16/7/19, I have a chance to visit Institut Teknologi Petroleum PETRONAS  (INSTEP) at Kuala Nerus, Terengganu. The visit was also attended by Human Capital Manager, Operation Advisor and Subject Matter Expert. This visit is to verify and access INSTEP capability in providing a competency assessment and training ground for our company workforce. INSTEP is a state-of-the-art technical training institute owned by PETRONAS Technical Training Sdn Bhd (PTTSB). Established in 1981, INSTEP was set-up with the aim to accelerate human capital development to support the growth of PETRONAS as well as Malaysia’s oil & gas industry. Currently, the training institute also serves international clients from more than 15 countries as part of its aspiration to be "A Leading Partner of Choice in Oil and Gas Technical Learning and Certification".

In summary, INSTEP’s 200 Acres training institute area is equipped with major facilities required to train any discipline in Oil and gas Industry from upstream to downstream. The main facilities overviewed and points of interest discussed during the missions are depicted here under:

1.  Very spacious control room.

2. There are two process trains with separations, TEG and water treatment equipment. The facilities are designed at 12 barg and operated with friendly safe fluid such as mineral oil, water, air and nitrogen.

3.  Wellhead and pigging facilities.

4.  Onshore drilling rig with all draw works to operate and drill shallow well.

5.   Exploration and production workshop equipped with:

a.  Three typical X trees and one subsea completion Wellhead. Section of a brand new X tree was cut to view all moving parts and hidden component required for well integrity assurance.  

b.  Several downhole equipment such as permanent and retrievable packers, Tubing and wire line SCSSV, gas left mandrels and perforating guns.

c.   Different types of cores.

d. Pigging and HP separator and dedicated control panels for special training and certification of technicians on Pigging operations.

6.  Operation training simulator.

7.  Electrical workshop, control panel and equipment for HV and LV certification from 33 KV to 415 V. 

8. Mechanical workshop with all types of rotating machinery such as Solar Saturn Gas turbines , Diesel engine, compressor rotors , motors and all types of valves , slings and shackles.

9. Instrument and control workshop with dedicated area for metering systems, F&G systems calibration.

10.  NDT, Scaffolding and fabrication yards.

11.  Overviewed the Staff accommodation with very high standard and they have options for single and two bed rooms.

12.  INSTEP advised that, a fresh graduate needs some 12 months to be certified as a Competent Employee to take over the post.

13.  For mature and well experienced candidates, the base line assessment and gap eliminations will vary from few days to few weeks. However the gaps can be eliminated at the facilities, yard or by self-training at home and not necessarily at INSTEP premises.

14.  INSTEP advised that they can do the base line assessment at MP KL office or at their own offices.

15.  The assessment and verification process is assured and audited by BTECH. 

16.  The most interesting part was the capability of the INSTEP Competency Assurance team to respond and demonstrate their collaboration to work together to achieve the objective in a win-win approach.

In conclusion, INSTEP have the facilities and skilful staff to assess and verify our workforce as per the requirement.

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